Now you will be able to go eating in a tematic restaurant where you will know the Mexican Food chespirito restaurant, you will know the neighborhood with six points of very special food like “Las Ñoñitas” where it’s offer “quesadillas” and “gorditas”, “Los Popis”, of salad and healthy bowls, “Los Churros de Doña Florinda”, “Dulces Barriga” and “Las cheves de Don Ramón”, or if everything you do it without wanting to do it, get ready to go for your “ham cake!!. It’s an experience for whole family, even the kids will find in “recontrachanfle” the “chapulin colorado” world, with stuff like “chipote chillón”, a mural as if you had taken a dose of “chiquitolina”, area for children under 2 years old, arcades and much more … Be sure to stop by the store for your official souvenirs.
You can also enjoy your time walking in the «Satélite square» Shopping Center, which is one of the largest, most exclusive and spectacular in MEXICO.
Inclusion: Roundtrip transportation hotel – “satelite square” – hotel, assistance for the transfers, “Chanfleta” an electric card with balance to consum in the differents atractions of the place, approximatly 15 usd per person.
Exclusion: Souvenirs, recharge of balance in the card Gratuities, shopping at the square.
Operation: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Duration: 6 hrs.
Schedule: 11:00 hrs.
Pick up from 10:00 hrs at Polanco hotels
Miminum 02 passengers
Once booked can not be canceled
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