MXN $877.00

Días de Operacion: Viernes, Sabado,


Join this route of legends thru Coyoacan neighborhood that will amaze you

We will begin our panoramic tour visiting the nurseries of Coyoacán declared a national park, it started in the 20th century with the effort of the engineer Miguel Ángel de Quevedo, currently consists of 39 hectares where different types of plants are grown.

Then we will continue along the “old royal road” that communicates San Ángel and Coyoacan neighborhoods, today this road is one of the most representative avenues named «Francisco Sosa» where picturesque houses of colonial architecture are located including the house of Jesus Reyes Heroles; in this house (according to the legend) a Little blonde girl “appears” and plays all night long in the courtyard.

Later we will visit one of the most emblematic alleys of the site «el callejón del aguacate» (Avocado Alley) where you will hear one of the most emblematic legends of the Coyoacán neighborhood.

Continuing with the tour, we are getting to the Plaza de la Conchita where located one of the oldest chapels is built in the 16th century by orders of Hernán Cortés. It is said that, in La Conchita (iconic church of Coyoacan), a monk appears and transits between dimensions crossing the walls inside the construction.
We will visit the historical square of Coyoacán «monument of coyotes», the church of san juan Bautista», the old palace; one of Hernán Cortés’ houses where the legend of “the child of the old palace” will be told.

Free time for a coffee at the Jarocho coffee shop before ending our tour with a panoramic visit of the famous “Blue House” where the painter Frida Kahlo spent her last years of life (just a few streets away from the house of Leon Trotsky).

Inclusions: Transportation in thematic Combi, Pick up from some Hotels located in Polanco, Reforma, Zona Rosa and the main square., Professional Spanish-English guide, Guided visits, Traveler insurance on board the vehicle

Exclusions: Optional Gratuities, Nothing not mentioned on Inclusions

Available: Friday, Saturday

Estimated Duration: 04 hours

Tour Time: 18:00hrs

Minimum required: 02 people

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